

Hi! I’m Campbell. I’m 33. I'm from Connecticut. I’m adventurous. I like to travel - but I like to travel for ideas. I don’t care that much about money - but I do like to make money? I’m not sure about that one way or the other.

I think I’m kind, interesting and thoughtful. I’m 5’9” or 5’10”? I like to keep my hair messy. And I wear a lot of interesting hoodies. I have a law degree from Oxford. An undergraduate classics degree from UConn. I spend most of my time programming or doing law or walking.

(Oh looking to date - then see if you are interested in getting married - and I want to have children)


I’m atheist, but I think in another time period, I would have been religious. I have had a number of different periods in my life when I was gripped by ideas. First, it was classics. Then, it was law (especially contract law). Then, it was computers. Now, it’s AI and machine learning. I talk about the ideas that I like pretty constantly. I tell a lot of jokes.

What I really want to know are your interests! And, I want you to share them with me. I want to be with someone that wants to share their observations with me.

Love Style

I really like physical touch and to hold hands. I want someone that I can spend a lot of my time with as the relationship progresses. I really have very few demands. I like to let me partner live out their goals. But, I like my partner to let me live out mine. I’m small “c” conservative (so, monogamous). I’m thoughtful - but low key. I also try my best.

Previous partners have described me as “kind”, “thoughtful”, “gentle”, “honest” and “adventurous”. My most successful relationships have been with girls that were like me (not in a background sense but in a love style and ideas and career sense).

I’ve also been described as “playful”.

Career etc…

I’ve never had trouble with career but my career has been super unusual. I went from legal assistant to Chief Compliance Officer at a 2k person company. There is a whole story there. The company went public. I then took 2 years off. Then was first employee as Chief Product Officer at a Regulatory AI company. I just quit.

I think about my career a lot - but I min-max for ideas. I don’t think anyone should worry about whether I have a provider mindset - I don’t - but I make up the difference by being highly performant and knowing what I want - and the things I want have always been highly remunerated.


I’m not a rationalist. I honestly feel like I missed the boat on that; but the rationalists I’ve met are super interesting. I have a developed thought about what it means to be a good person, but I’m pretty tempered on all of this. I feel like that’s the benefit of getting older.

I end up with friends across a very wide age bracket (my oldest friends are in their early 50s and my youngest friends are early 20s).